4 Helpful Strategies for Home Sellers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

For the past few months, your state has likely issued a stay-at-home order and strongly recommended that people cease participating in any nonessential activities that require them to leave the house. It’s very important for everyone to abide by these restrictions in order to avoid spreading COVID-19, but if you’re in the process of selling your home, you might be wondering how you can continue looking for a buyer while respecting these recommendations. These tips will help you optimize your virtual presence and connect with potential home buyers online.  

Repairs and Renovation Projects

Before staging and virtually showcasing your home, you should tackle any necessary repairs or renovation projects on your to-do list. You should focus on completing projects that will help increase your property value, but if working on a certain remodeling task would be risky during this pandemic, put it on hold for now. Tool Review Lab suggests giving your kitchen cabinets a makeover with new knobs or open shelves, revamping your master bedroom by adding new decor and a fresh coat of paint on the walls, and turning a spare bedroom or breakfast nook into a sleek home office for remote workers.

Organization and Storage 

If you’re working from home and your kids are staying home from school, you might find that you have more excess clutter lying around than usual. You may not be able to have buyers stop by for in-person showings, but you’ll still need to declutter and deep clean your home before taking photos for online listings and shooting virtual tours!

As you sort through your belongings, you’ll have to find convenient storage solutions for the items you want to keep. If you have limited space in your home, you’ll need to get creative, utilize every inch, and customize your storage systems based on each specific room. In your bedroom, you could take advantage of the empty space under your bed, fill up a decorative trunk, or even hide items in wooden crates that double as ottomans. You can also consider vertical storage options, like floating shelves. Block off some time to tidy up on a daily basis so that you’re always ready to show buyers around virtually.

Cleaning Top to Bottom

Want to make a great first impression on buyers? Don’t host a virtual walk through until you’ve cleaned every inch of your home! Instead of scouring your grocery store’s sparse shelves for cleaning products, you can whip up your own DIY solutions at home. Try making glass cleaner with water, white vinegar, and dish soap, or tackling greasy spots with a combination of lemon and borax powder. Using DIY recipes is a great way to protect your family from being exposed to harmful toxins and harsh chemicals.

Polish Up Your Virtual Presence

Once your home has been suitably decluttered, deep-cleaned, and staged, you can begin your virtual advertising efforts. To take great real estate photos, HubSpot recommends testing different angles to find the best lighting and shooting with a wide-angle lens.

Next, you can create a 3D virtual tour to give potential buyers an accurate vision of your home. To do this, you’ll need a camera that can capture 3D images and 360-degree video footage. Finally, if someone is interested in a private tour, you can fulfill their request by using a video chat platform like Zoom. Make sure to answer all their questions in detail and show them the exterior of your home as well!

Even under normal circumstances, finding the right buyer for your property can be a harried and stressful process. If you’re waiting for an offer in the midst of this pandemic, you might feel like you’ll have to postpone your moving date. But if you can sharpen your digital marketing skills, prospective buyers will be falling in love with your home even if they can’t set foot inside just yet!

Photo via Pexels

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